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Now in Visit To Québec city Canada

Flight and Travel To Canada and stay in Quebec city

Québec city
Mix the old with the new on a horse-drawn carriage ride down cobbled streets lined with contemporary public art and sidewalk cafés filled with the bohemian, friendly and fashion-savvy Québécois. Enjoy a vintage Christmas walking in gently falling snow along the quiet streets of Old Québec City.

See a night parade, outdoor cinema and dogsled races during Carnaval de Québec, the biggest winter carnival in the world. Tour the grassy Plains of Abraham to hear the echoes of battles lost and won. Walk the Ramparts, the only standing fortified city walls north of Mexico and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Tour the Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec. Breathe sweet-scented air at the Roger-Van den Hende Botanical Garden at the University of Laval.

Tapping the maple trees for their syrupy sap is a tradition here, handed down from First Nations people to European settlers. Early spring kicks off the annual round of sugar bush parties. Fill up on traditional, hearty sugar shack fare like fèves au lard (baked beans), sausages and eggs, crêpes and hot maple syrup poured and cooled over snow. Take a sleigh ride or snowshoe through groves of tapped trees. Lively folk music sets the mood for celebrations that extend to summer corn-husking and oyster parties when the sugar bush turns leafy green.

Official Language: French
Status: Founded in 1608,
Québec City is one of the oldest cities in North America