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Vacation in Quebec Canada

Vacation in Quebec City Canada
* Watch the Battle of the Plains of Abraham brought to life in a 30-minute diorama with a miniature, 1750 version of the city.

* Visit a chocolate factory, cheese dairy, cider house and sugar shacks on ÎIe d‘Orlèans.

* See more than 400 shows over 11 days, including world music, street art and jazz at Québec City’s Summer Festival.

* Meet Albert Einstein in wax and a cast of colorful Québécois characters at the Musée de Cire de Québec (Québec Wax Museum).

* Enter an underwater world of freshwater and saltwater marine life at Aquarium du Québec.

* Linger at dusk in the evening lights in historic Place Royale, the cradle of French civilization in North America.

* See a procession of up to 50 vibrant “Giants” (100-lb figurines) at Les Fêtes de la Nouvelle-France SAQ (SAQ New France Festival).

* Go ice canyoning at Jean-Larose Falls just outside the city.