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Visit to Plains of Abraham in Quebec

Around in Quebec City

Strolling along the Terrasse Dufferin, you come to a set of long stairs. You make the steep climb, and soon set foot on the greatest battleground in Canadian history- the Plains of Abraham. Here, on Sept. 13, 1759, two armies - the French led by General Montcalm and the British commandeered by General Wolfe -faced off in a bloody battle. When the gunfire ceased, New France (now Quebec) was secured by the British. Within four years, France ceded control of New France to Great Britain.

As you walk the grounds of this hallowed plateau overlooking the St. Lawrence River, a series of plaques and interpretation panels take you through each stage of the battle. Pause to reflect at the exact locations where General Montcalm and General Wolfe were mortally wounded. Examine one of over 50 historical artillery pieces. Relive the rich, colorful past of the Plains of Abraham at the Odyssey multimedia exhibition, and review over 20 regimental uniforms from 1759-1760.

Make your way to a dinner theater at Martello Towers, cylindrical stone structures built between 1808 and 1812 to defend Québec City against a potential American invasion. Experience a typical meal served to British soldiers during the occupation of the towers in the early 19th century—bread and cheese, barley soup, meat stew and fruit salad cake with hot custard. Appetite appeased, take one last stroll across the battlegrounds. Then it’s down the long stairs and back to quaint, old-world streets of Quebec City Canada.